Fibonacci Series in Python

Fibonacci numbers form a series whose sum adds up to two. Programming to print this sequence provides an ideal opportunity to practice loops and conditionals.

Recursion is an efficient way of creating the Fibonacci sequence, but large inputs may make this approach inefficient due to repetitive function calls. This article presents another method using functional programming which bypasses these issues.


The Fibonacci series is a stunning mathematical sequence found throughout nature and Renaissance art, often as self-replicating patterns of numbers where each number represents the sum of two previous ones. This phenomenon has long been studied in mathematics, computer science and nature – with Python serving as an ideal programming language to do this work as it’s easy to read and versatile application.

Python is a functional programming language, which means it features a functional paradigm which enables developers to compose functions. Recursion is also common within its programming – making it ideal for use when dealing with computational problems, including creating the Fibonacci series using methods such as recursion, iteration, or memoization.

Line 3 creates the Fibonacci class which accepts positive integer n as its argument. This class offers two special methods -.__init__() to initialize instance attributes like p and n1 while.__call__() allows callable objects such as Fibonacci.

Fib(), the recursive function, calls itself multiple times to calculate each term of its series. Each recursion takes constant time; therefore this type of function works well when dealing with small inputs; however its space complexity of O(n) limits its usage for larger numbers.

Mathematical Background

Fibonacci Sequence Formula

The Fibonacci sequence is defined by the recurrence relation:

F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2)

with seed values:

F(0) = 0, F(1) = 1

Properties of Fibonacci Series

  • Each number in the sequence is the sum of the two preceding ones.
  • The ratio of consecutive Fibonacci numbers approaches the golden ratio, approximately 1.61803398875.
  • Fibonacci numbers exhibit certain periodicities modulo any integer.

Implementing Fibonacci Series in Python

Iterative Approach

def fibonacci_iterative(n): 
a, b = 0, 1 for _ in range(n): 
a, b = b, a + b 
return a

Recursive Approach

def fibonacci_recursive(n):
if n <= 1:
return n
return fibonacci_recursive(n - 1) + fibonacci_recursive(n - 2)

Using Memoization for Optimization

Memoization can be employed to optimize the recursive approach by storing the results of intermediate calculations to avoid redundant computations.

Examples of Fibonacci Series in Python

Generating Fibonacci Series up to a Certain Limit

def generate_fibonacci_series(limit):
series = [0, 1]
while series[-1] + series[-2] < limit:
series.append(series[-1] + series[-2])
return series

Finding nth Fibonacci Number

def find_nth_fibonacci(n):
a, b = 0, 1
for _ in range(n - 1):
a, b = b, a + b
return a


Recursion is an invaluable programming technique for solving complex problems; however, its computational costs may be prohibitively expensive. If used to generate the Fibonacci sequence with large values of n, for instance, it will take much longer because its function will continuously calculate subproblems that repeat themselves over and over.

Memoization can help to prevent repetitive recursive calls by caching results for later use when calling back into a function with different parameters; this approach reduces how often functions are called by caching their results in memory instead of having to calculate them again each time you recur them; thus improving performance while saving memory resources.

In this example, a recursive function fib() is used to generate the Fibonacci sequence. It takes as inputs the initial two numbers in the series (0 and 1) before returning their sum as outputs. To reduce time complexity further, memoization techniques are employed and cached results stored there are used. Finally, checks if there are already stored copies for a given value of n; otherwise computes new ones recursively.

This Python program serves as a prime example of using the Fibonacci sequence to develop Python programs. It demonstrates how it can help find solutions to complex issues using various approaches like recursion, iterative loops and array manipulation.


The Fibonacci sequence is an iconic set of numbers in which each successive number is the sum of two preceding ones, making for a fascinating study in math and computer science that has captured mathematicians for centuries. Art and design also utilize this series; creating programs in Python to generate it can provide great learning and problem-solving exercises for beginners.

Python makes creating the Fibonacci sequence easy with its for loop. First, declare variables a and b which are initialized with values of zero and one respectively before starting the loop for any number of iterations – every iteration generates one number in the Fibonacci sequence by adding together both variables a and b together.

Recursion is another popular approach to creating the Fibonacci sequence in Python, though this approach may take longer and require more memory resources than others. However, this strategy works effectively for smaller input values and may help implement closed-form solutions to the Fibonacci sequence.

Memoization and caching provide another option for creating Fibonacci series in Python, decreasing memory requirements while speeding up program runtime and requiring less recursion than previous methods.


Fibonacci numbers have long been found everywhere from pinecone spiral arrangements to Renaissance art; their simple principle – each number equaling the sum of two preceding ones – provides beauty and elegance in patterns like Renaissance art, but their mathematics can become quite intricate due to the recursive algorithm used to generate them.

This algorithm employs recursion, in which a function calls itself repeatedly until reaching a base case where it stops. Unfortunately, this approach can be slow for larger inputs due to having to calculate numerous identical subproblems repeatedly.

There are two methods you can employ to increase the efficiency of this function: memoization stores the results from previous calls so they don’t need to be recalculated each time; while iteration reduces repetition by running it on smaller input and returning its result directly.

Starting with variable, p, which holds the length to be generated. Lines 2 and 3 filter this input for positive integers required for Fibonacci series operation; lines 4 and 5 check whether n=0 or 1. Next, lines 12 defines two local variables previous and fib_number which will hold initialized with two values from Fibonacci sequence; then starting on line 13 there’s a for loop that iterates through 2n+1 iterations to generate next value in sequence – this repeats for each pair of numbers within iterations 2n+1. This looping continues three times between iterations 2n+1 iterationss so iterations until completeness is reached – repeating for three pairs of numbers within iteration 13. This repeats three times for every pair in sequence!
